Archive for ◊ October, 2011 ◊

Million Connections Fundraiser Lunch 2011 Highlights!

• Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Great food! Great company! Great vision!

Cynthia Winton-Henry, our inspiration!

Theron Shaw, our host for the Fundraiser Program. Thank you Theron!

Betsey Beckman and Prashant Olalekar S.J. telling a story of 1000 faces.

Betsey Beckman dances Prashant's story.

The passion, the excitement, the enthusiasm!


Laurie Rudel encourages us to give generously!

Harriet Platts treats us to a taste of InterPlay in India.

Lindsey shares her joy!


Next Gen Participant, Lindsey Gregerson shares her trepidation and inspiration!

Sounding Board Members see things anew!